Want to convert GRE score to GMAT score?
Applying to B-schools with your GRE score? Or, are you looking for techniques to convert GMAT to GRE score? We’ve got you covered! Learn GRE to GMAT score conversion with the help of a conversion chart.
ETS (the maker of the GRE) has not released any such comparison tool between the new GRE and the GMAT focus Edition (GFE), while GMAC (the maker of the GMAT) claims that no such table can exist due to the differences between the two tests.
However, for the sake of a rough comparison, we have used GMAC’s GCE to GFE conversion table along with the GRE to GMAT Classic edition table (earlier provided by ETS) to get a GRE to GFE conversion:
An increasing number of students are taking the GRE for admission into Business schools. Its wider testing network and broader reach are an inherent advantage for the test taker. However, it has been a very short period since business schools have started accepting GRE scores for admission into graduate management programs. Hence, there is very little information available about the GRE scores of the incoming class at top business schools. Moreover, business schools convert GRE to GMAT scores to objectively compare all the applicants.
Now, new versions of both the GMAT and GRE exams are available: the GMAT Focus Edition and the Shorter GRE, respectively
So, how does GMAT score conversion work? Keep reading! As bonus content, we also share the GRE scores for the top business schools and shed light on how the admissions committee evaluates your scores in 2024.

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How are GRE and GMAT scores reported?
Before we dig deeper into how to convert your GRE scores to GMAT, let’s first understand how are your GRE and GMAT scores reported.
Score reporting
Both the GRE and GMAT are standardized tests for admission into graduate programs at universities in the US and other countries like Canada, Australia, Germany, and the UK. Traditionally the GMAT has been the preferred choice of business schools for evaluating candidates for admission into graduate management programs. However, to broaden the applicant pool and increase class diversity, many of the top B-schools now accept GRE scores. There are a few fundamental differences between the tests regarding the format and score reporting.
Here are the differences between GRE and GMAT:
Parameter | Shorter GRE | GMAT Focus Edition (GFE) |
Format | 3 Sections Quantitative ability (130-170) Verbal ability (130-170) Analytical writing (0-6 in 0.5-point increments) | 3 Sections Quantitative reasoning (60-90) Verbal reasoning (60-90) Data Insights (60-90) |
Total Score | 340 (170 + 170) | 205-805 (scaled from all 3 sections) |
Adaptiveness | Section adaptive | Question Adaptive |
Testing Time | 1 Hours 58 minutes | 2 hours 15 minutes |
You can also read this article to know the difference between GMAT and GRE.
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For the GRE the Quant and Verbal scores are reported separately and range from 130-170. These scores are simply added to give your cumulative GRE score. In the GMAT, however, Verbal and Quant scores are reported separately and then scaled to calculate your cumulative GMAT score. Quant and verbal scores can range from 60-90, and the scaled cumulative score ranges from 205-805.
For the GRE analytical writing section score range from 0-6, while new GMAT has not AWA section.
Comparing Raw and Scaled scores
ETS the organization which conducts the GRE has developed a handy tool for converting GRE scores to GMAT equivalent scores. This comparison tool allows users to predict the GMAT total, Quantitative, Verbal scores using their GRE Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative reasoning scores. You can access the tool here.
Percentile Scores
Percentile scores are provided on both your GRE and GMAT score reports. They represent the percentage of test-takers who obtained a score lower than the specified score. The percentile scores to which raw scores correspond to, for both GRE and GMAT, are shown below. Due to the fundamental differences in the applicant pool who take each test, the percentile scores cannot be compared directly. However, they can be used as a rough guideline for comparison.
GRE to GMAT score conversion chart
GRE to Classic GMAT
The below GRE to GMAT conversion chart is based on the data provided by GRE’s Comparison tool for business schools. Please refer below table for GMAT Score conversion:
GRE Verbal Reasoning score | GRE Quant Reasoning score | GRE Score | GMAT Score | GMAT Verbal scaled score | GMAT Quant scaled score |
170 | 170 | 340 | 800 | 46 | 53 |
169 | 169 | 338 | 790 | 45 | 52 |
168 | 168 | 336 | 780 | 44 | 50 |
167 | 167 | 334 | 760 | 43 | 49 |
166 | 166 | 332 | 740 | 42 | 48 |
165 | 165 | 330 | 730 | 41 | 47 |
164 | 164 | 328 | 710 | 40 | 45 |
163 | 163 | 326 | 690 | 39 | 44 |
162 | 162 | 324 | 670 | 38 | 43 |
161 | 161 | 322 | 660 | 37 | 42 |
160 | 160 | 320 | 640 | 36 | 41 |
159 | 159 | 318 | 620 | 35 | 39 |
158 | 158 | 316 | 610 | 35 | 38 |
157 | 157 | 314 | 590 | 34 | 37 |
156 | 156 | 312 | 570 | 33 | 36 |
155 | 155 | 310 | 560 | 32 | 34 |
154 | 154 | 308 | 540 | 31 | 33 |
153 | 153 | 306 | 520 | 30 | 32 |
152 | 152 | 304 | 500 | 29 | 31 |
151 | 151 | 302 | 490 | 28 | 29 |
150 | 150 | 300 | 470 | 27 | 28 |
149 | 149 | 298 | 450 | 26 | 27 |
148 | 148 | 296 | 440 | 25 | 26 |
147 | 147 | 294 | 420 | 25 | 24 |
146 | 146 | 292 | 400 | 24 | 23 |
145 | 145 | 290 | 390 | 23 | 22 |
144 | 144 | 288 | 370 | 22 | 21 |
143 | 143 | 286 | 350 | 21 | 19 |
142 | 142 | 284 | 330 | 20 | 18 |
141 | 141 | 282 | 320 | 19 | 17 |
140 | 140 | 280 | 300 | 18 | 16 |
139 | 139 | 278 | 280 | 17 | 14 |
138 | 138 | 276 | 270 | 16 | 13 |
137 | 137 | 274 | 250 | 15 | 12 |
136 | 136 | 272 | 230 | 15 | 11 |
135 | 135 | 270 | 220 | 14 | 9 |
134 | 134 | 268 | 200 | 13 | 8 |
133 | 133 | 266 | 200 | 12 | 7 |
132 | 132 | 264 | 200 | 11 | 6 |
131 | 131 | 262 | 200 | 10 | 4 |
130 | 130 | 260 | 200 | 9 | 3 |
GRE to GMAT Focus (GFE) score conversion chart
ETS (the maker of the GRE) has not released any such comparison tool between the new GRE and the GFE, while GMAC (the maker of the GMAT) claims that no such table can exist due to the differences between the two tests.
However, for the sake of a rough comparison, we have used GMAC’s GCE to GFE conversion table along with the GRE to GCE table above to get a GRE to GFE conversion:
GRE Verbal Reasoning score | GRE Quant Reasoning score | GRE Score | GFE Score |
170 | 170 | 340 | 805 |
169 | 169 | 338 | 805 |
168 | 168 | 336 | 785 |
167 | 167 | 334 | 735 |
166 | 166 | 332 | 695 |
165 | 165 | 330 | 685 |
164 | 164 | 328 | 665 |
163 | 163 | 326 | 635 |
162 | 162 | 324 | 615 |
161 | 161 | 322 | 615 |
160 | 160 | 320 | 595 |
159 | 159 | 318 | 585 |
158 | 158 | 316 | 575 |
157 | 157 | 314 | 555 |
156 | 156 | 312 | 545 |
155 | 155 | 310 | 535 |
154 | 154 | 308 | 515 |
153 | 153 | 306 | 495 |
152 | 152 | 304 | 495 |
151 | 151 | 302 | 485 |
150 | 150 | 300 | 475 |
149 | 149 | 298 | 455 |
148 | 148 | 296 | 445 |
147 | 147 | 294 | 435 |
146 | 146 | 292 | 425 |
145 | 145 | 290 | 415 |
144 | 144 | 288 | 405 |
143 | 143 | 286 | 395 |
142 | 142 | 284 | 375 |
141 | 141 | 282 | 375 |
140 | 140 | 280 | 355 |
139 | 139 | 278 | 345 |
138 | 138 | 276 | 335 |
137 | 137 | 274 | 335 |
136 | 136 | 272 | 305 |
135 | 135 | 270 | 295 |
134 | 134 | 268 | 255 |
133 | 133 | 266 | 245 |
132 | 132 | 264 | 235 |
131 | 131 | 262 | 225 |
130 | 130 | 260 | 215 |
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Average GRE vs. GMAT scores at top Business Schools
The average GRE and GMAT scores of the incoming class at the top 50 business schools are shown below (note since New GRE and GFE are still too new, the exact scores are from Old GRE and GCE (GMAT Classic Edition), and then GMAC’s conversion table is used to connect GCE and GFE (GMAT Focus Edition) scores – it is only meant to give you a rough estimate). If you are aiming for a top-50 business school, the below table should help you in setting a target score for the GMAT or GRE, whichever test you choose to take.
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Do AdComs have a preference between GMAT and GRE?
Now that we know how to compare and convert between GMAT and GRE scores, the next question that arises is, do schools treat candidates who submit GRE scores differently than those who submit GMAT scores? Well, the short answer is No, and the detailed explanation for the same is given below. Schools evaluate candidates on many factors and test scores are just a part of a holistic process of evaluation. However, since the GMAT has been the default test for admission into graduate management programs until recently, schools unfamiliar with the GRE Test still prefer candidates that report GMAT scores.
What does this mean for you?
If you are yet to take either test, our recommendation would be to stick with the GMAT. For the simple reason, that it is more widely accepted, and the GMAC develops the GMAT with a specific aim to evaluate the skills required for business schools. Remember, the GMAC partners with leading business schools to continuously evaluate and understand what skills business schools look for in candidates.
The GRE, though a leader in the graduate admission test space, is designed to cater to a wider range of test-takers and graduate programs. Hence, the GMAT seems to be a better choice.
Taking the GMAT also shows your commitment to business schools, about your decision for graduate management education. Reporting GRE scores may show indecision to adcoms about your selection of programs or even a lack of clarity about career goals.
We hope this article helps you in understanding how to evaluate and compare GRE and GMAT scores. And, if you are considering Business School, the first step would be to ace either test. If you are taking the GMAT, here are some free resources to get you started. Please write to us at acethegmat@e-gmat.com with your questions on GRE to GMAT Score Conversion or any other issues.
FAQs – GRE to GMAT score conversion
You surely can convert your GRE score to a GMAT score. Check out this article to look at the GRE to GMAT score conversion chart.
The GMAT score equivalent of 330 GRE score is 730 in GMAT Classic Edition & 685 in GMAT Focus edition.
The difference between GMAT and GRE is that GMAT is primarily taken for admission to business school while GRE is taken for admission to many graduate programs. Read this detailed article on the differences between GMAT and GRE and which test should you take.
A GMAT score evaluates your performance on the test and a percentile tells you the percentage of people you performed better than. A 95 percentile means that you performed better than 95% of people who took the test. Understand more here.
You cannot skip questions on the GMAT. However, you can skip questions on the GRE.