The Harvard MBA admissions process is one of the most competitive in the world, and like the 2022 admissions, for its 2023 MBA application, there is only one essay prompt, and it does not have a word limit. Through the HBS MBA Essay question, the admissions committee wants to know what more you would like them to know as they consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School (HBS) MBA program.

In this article, Poonam Tandon from myEssayReview, who has been helping students with their MBA applications since 2011, shares her tips on the Harvard MBA essay for the 2023 intake.
Harvard MBA essay analysis by Poonam Tandon from myEssayReview (MER)
Let’s take a closer look at the HBS MBA essay prompt.
QUESTION: As we review your application, what more would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School MBA program? (900 word limit)
This open-ended question needs to be tackled very strategically, and it requires a significant amount of introspection. Since the essay prompts says, ‘what more would you like us to know’, you should make sure that you do not merely repeat what you have already discussed in other application materials.
To avoid overlapping elements in your essay, you must go through other application materials (résumé, application form, and LORs) and discuss with your recommenders what examples they will be discussing in their letters. However, you may still discuss at length the achievements you have already touched upon in your résumé.

Before choosing your stories (personal and professional), please get a thorough understanding of what Harvard is looking for in candidates, and then weave your stories/ accomplishments around these traits. HBS is looking for candidates with “a habit of leadership, analytical aptitude and appetite, and engaged community leadership.” Therefore, your stories should illustrate these traits with a focus on leadership.
Be authentic and genuine. Show your confidence and passion for what you have done and what you plan to do- academically, personally, socially, and professionally. Remember, you are a unique individual, so use this essay as a platform to show your uniqueness. Do not be afraid to share your mistake or failure at some point in life. Harvard is not looking for mistake-free individuals.
The key is how you have learned from your mistakes, overcome life challenges, and have emerged a more influential person.
Since there is a 900-word limit for this open-ended question, please write accordingly. You may decide to submit an essay between 500- 750 words. If you choose to write a longer essay, make sure to keep it under 900 words. MER clients have written compelling essays within 800-900 words.
Mistakes to avoid while writing the 2023 Harvard MBA essay

- ‘Don’t overthink, overwrite, and over craft’. When working with people on the HBS essay, I often need to remind them that though re-writing and revising is the essence of writing, overwriting sometimes may kill the very soul of the essay.
- After you have brainstormed and finalized your stories, have confidence in your stories and writing style, and organize them coherently and succinctly. Refrain from making countless unnecessary revisions thinking, “Is this what admission committee would like to know?”
- Write from your heart in a concise and straightforward language. This is not an academic paper, and flowery prose will not get you in. We recommend expressing your passion and drive, your leadership experiences, analytical aptitude, and background in a simple, but effective and concise language that reflects your unique voice.
- Avoid using the word ‘leadership’ in every single sentence. Some applicants think that their best bet to impress the admission committee is to use ‘leadership’ in every sentence. Follow the thumb rule of ‘show not tell’ and allow your unique accomplishment stories (personal, professional, and social) to vouch for your leadership skills.
- Avoid writing a ‘why MBA’ and ‘goals’ essay since you will be covering these topics in other application materials.
- Avoid telling the school how great they are. They are aware of their greatness.
- Even though the essay question doesn’t ask ‘Why HBS’, you will still like to let them know what you envision getting involved in to reach the next level of your career and how you plan to leave Harvard a better place.
- Avoid spoon-feeding the Ad Com. For example, don’t waste precious space by starting your essay with the following statement: “I would like the admission committee to understand what has driven my personal and professional growth.” Also, please do not wrap up your essay by stating, “I hope that through this essay you got an insight into my personal and professional life for better evaluation of my candidacy.” Please remember that the purpose of writing this essay is to offer the admission committee insights into your personal and professional attributes/ strengths. Hence, such explicit statements are redundant and will not add any value to your story.
Harvard MBA Application deadline 2023
Applicants who want to get admitted to the Harvard Business School (HBS) need to submit an online written application form, after which selected candidates are invited for an interview.
For the 2023 HBS admissions, there are two rounds of intake, and Round 1 deadline is September 7, 2022 and Round 2 deadline is January 4, 2023. Please note that the application should be submitted online by 12 Noon Eastern Time.
HBS MBA Application Deadline | Round 1 | Round 2 |
Application Deadline | 07-Sep-2022 | 04-Jan-2023 |
Admissions Board Decision | 08-Dec-2022 | 29-Mar-2023 |
Learn more about the Harvard Business School – Class Profile, Employment report, and Notable Alumni.
What do HBS MBA Adcoms say about this year’s application
Jana Kierstead, the Executive Director of the MBA and Doctoral Programs at HBS Harvard Business School, says,
“Our admissions and financial aid processes have not changed nor have our decision criteria: admission is based on merit and financial aid is based on need”
Meanwhile, the applicants are encouraged to download the Application Guide to learn more about what’s inside.
Free Resources from MER
Since 2011, MER (myEssayReview) has helped many applicants get accepted into the top 20 MBA programs. (Poonam is one of the top 5 most reviewed consultants on the GMAT Club.)
Do you have questions about your application? E-mail Poonam at or sign up here for a free consultation.
About the author

Poonam, one of the top 5 most reviewed consultants on the GMAT Club, is a master storyteller with more than three decades of experience in successfully helping students craft compelling stories for undergraduate and graduate school programs.
A Ph.D. in English, with three decades of teaching experience in India and the US, Poonam launched myEssayReview (MER) in 2011 to provide highly personalized and dedicated consulting services to Business School applicants. Since then, she has helped hundreds of students around the world get into top MBA, EMBA, part-time MBA, and specialized graduate programs. A full-time consultant, Poonam is passionate about her work and is highly committed to each of her students’ success.
Are you aspiring to become a part of the Harvard MBA program? A 740+ GMAT score can increase your chances of pursuing an MBA at the Harvard Business School. Sign up for our free trial and get access to our GMAT resources today
Here are some additional articles that you might be interested in reading:
- What is a good GMAT score for the HBS?
- Harvard Business School – Class Profile, Employment report, and Notable Alumni.
- Seven steps to get into Harvard Business School
- GMAT 770 – Admit from Harvard, Wharton, INSEAD, Stanford and Kellogg
- Top One-Year MBA Program in the U.S.
- Career goal essays and Why MBA essays
- How to impress the MBA Admissions committee
- The importance of MBA Essays in the application form