Payal Tandon
Co-founder, e-GMAT
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Secret to Ace GMAT RC: Author’s Stance Keywords Show What REALLY Matters

In the intricate landscape of GMAT Reading Comprehension, Author's Stance Keywords serve as critical signals that reveal the writer's true perspective amid a sea of...

GMAT Reading Hack: Function Keywords That Reveal Author’s Intent

In the sophisticated world of GMAT reading comprehension, understanding what information does rather than just what it says is often the key to mastery. Function and purpose...

GMAT 665: Data-Driven Strategy Leads to 110-Point GMAT Victory

Like most GMAT aspirants, Aayushi, a civil engineer turned project management consultant, didn't just meet this benchmark ā€“ she nearly doubled it, securing a remarkable...

Secret to Ace GMAT RC: Author’s Stance Keywords Show What REALLY Matters

In the intricate landscape of GMAT Reading Comprehension, Author's Stance Keywords serve as critical signals that reveal the writer's true...

GMAT Reading Hack: Function Keywords That Reveal Author’s Intent

In the sophisticated world of GMAT reading comprehension, understanding what information does rather than just what it says is often the key to...

GMAT 665: Data-Driven Strategy Leads to 110-Point GMAT Victory

Like most GMAT aspirants, Aayushi, a civil engineer turned project management consultant, didn't just meet this benchmark ā€“ she nearly doubled it,...

How to improve GMAT RC – 10+Tips and Strategies

How to Ace GMAT Reading Comprehension We are the best in the industry in finding out the best processes to learn and develop core skills to ace any...
GMAT RC - An overview

GMAT Reading Comprehension – What it tests + Sample Practice RC Questions

This article provides a complete overview of the GMAT RC. You will learn everything you need to know about the GMAT Reading Comprehension, what it...

Category: GMAT RC

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A 2 min read If you’re wondering how to master GMAT Reading Comprehension, you’ve landed on the right page. At e-GMAT, we conduct Free Webinars every weekend to help the GMAT Aspirants plan and define their...

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RC ā€“ Main Point Practice

A 4 min read This article is the continuation of our previous article named ā€œParagraph Summaries ā€“ An approach to Main Pointā€. In the above mentioned article, we discussed in details what a passage and a paragraph are and we...

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Paragraph Summaries to Main Point

A 8 min read MAIN POINT OF AN RC PASSAGE According to OG ā€“ each RC passage is a unified whole ā€“ that is, the individual sentences and paragraphs support and develop one main idea or central point which the student must...

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