This article is the fourth in the series of “5 Strategies that GMAT uses to distort meaning“. In the previous article, we had discussed the first strategy – “Change of Conjunctions“. In this one, we’ll be discussing the fourth strategy – “Change of Voice”, along with official questions and explanations.

The links for the other articles in this series are provided at the end of this article.
Strategy 4 – Change of Voice
How does GMAC use this strategy: We know that when a sentence is written in active voice, more emphasis is put on the subject performing the action. Likewise, when a sentence is written in passive voice, more emphasis is put on the entity (object) on which the action is performed. This shift in emphasis may lead to sufficient change in the meaning of the sentence.
Let’s take a simple example below:
Simple example
Mary cooked the dinner with Thai spices
The following information is presented in the sentence above:
- Who cooked the dinner – Mary
- Any other information – The dinner was cooked with Thai spices
The dinner was cooked with Thai spices
The following information is presented in the sentence above:
- What was cooked – Dinner
- Any other information – The dinner was cooked with Thai spices
- Note that we no longer know who cooked the dinner.
This is exactly how GMAT may introduce a difference in meaning. An answer choice may either introduce the person who does the action (use active voice) or may remove the information about the doer of the action (use passive voice). Let’s take another example:
- The decayed tree had to be cut to prepare the backyard for the New Year party.
- The gardener had to cut the decayed tree to prepare the backyard for the New Year party.
- Notice how in sentence 1 – the emphasis is on the action that is required for the preparation of the party.
- However in sentence 2 – the emphasis is now on the doer of the action as well. The gardener had to cut the decayed tree. So sentence 2 provides this additional piece of information.
Thus, you need to understand clearly as to what all information does the original sentence provide. And then you should select the choice that communicates all that information in grammatically correct manner.
Official Question 1 – GMATPrep – Declaration of Sentiments
Now, let’s take an official question:
Before scientists learned how to make a synthetic growth hormone, removing it painstakingly in small amounts from the pituitary glands of human cadavers.
- scientists learned how to make a synthetic growth hormone, removing it painstakingly
- scientists had learned about making a synthetic growth hormone, they had to remove it painstakingly
- scientists learned how to synthesize the growth hormone, it had to be painstakingly removed
- learning how to make a synthetic growth hormone, scientists had to remove it painstakingly
- learning how to synthesize the growth hormone, it have to be painstakingly removed by scientists
Intended meaning from Choice A: This choice does not communicate a clear meaning. The intended meaning of the sentence from choice A can be inferred as follows:
- Some kind of sequencing is shown using the word “before”.
- Scientists learned how to make a synthetic growth hormone
- However, due to the construction of the sentence, the event that happened prior to this event is not clearly specified. However, we can infer that the prior event may be – removing the growth hormone painstakingly from the pituitary glands of human cadavers.
Thus this choice is incorrect because it does not communicate the meaning of the sentence clearly. Grammatically, this choice does not have an independent clause and hence is a fragment.
Correct: Choice C corrects these errors and communicates the inferred meaning clearly. It effectively uses passive voice “it had to be painstakingly removed” to present the prior event. Note that the original sentence (choice A) does not say anything about who actually painstakingly removed the hormone from the human cadavers.
Grammatically Correct but Incorrect choice (D) – Notice how in choice D the test makers have changed the voice of one of the verbs. Now the sentence uses active voice “scientists had to painstakingly remove…”. This changes the meaning of the original sentence since it now adds new information that “scientists” actually had to remove the hormone. This information is not present in the original choice. And hence this choice by “adding” to the meaning of the sentence changes the meaning and hence is incorrect. Carefully notice that this sentence does not have any grammatical errors.
Official Question 2 – GMATPrep – Largest trade-book publisher
The largest trade-book publisher in the US has announced the creation of a new digital imprint division, under which it will publish about 20 purely digital works to be sold online as either electronic books or downloadable copies that can be printed upon purchase.
- works to be sold online as either electronic books or
- works to sell them online, either as electronic books or
- works and it will sell them online as either electronic books or as
- works, and selling them online as either electronic books or as
- works, and it will sell them online as either electronic books or
Intended meaning from Choice A: Per choice A, the publisher will publish these works with the purpose of having them sold online. Note clearly that this choice does not indicate who will sell the works. It only indicates that online selling is the purpose of taking on this project.
Grammatically Correct but Incorrect choice (E) – This choice communicates the sense that publisher will publish these works and will sell them online. Thus this choice adds the information that publisher will be selling the books online. This information is not presented in the original sentence. Furthermore, as discussed earlier per strategy 3, this choice also changes the meaning by now simply presenting the two events as independent facts rather than as purpose relationship.
So notice how choice E even though is grammatically correct, is not the correct choice because it communicates different meaning from the intended meaning. Notice how the test makers have introduced meaning change by using two different strategies.
How to evaluate choices that change the meaning?
- Understand the logical meaning of the original choice.
- Carefully note all the information that is presented.
- Look for the answer choice that best communicates the same meaning in un-ambiguous and grammatically correct manner.
- Ignore choices that may be grammatically correct but change the meaning or the emphasis in the sentence. Pay close attention to choices that add information (by changing to active voice) or remove information (by changing to passive voice).
Exercise Sentences
Example 1 – Advertisement Design
Before the managers started using word processors and graphic representation tools, advertisements designed by in-house calligraphers.
- the managers started using word processors and graphic representation tools, advertisements designed by in-house calligraphers.
- using word processors and graphic representation tools, managers had to get in-house calligraphers to design advertisements.
- the managers started using word processors and graphic representation tools, advertisements were designed by in-house calligraphers.
- the managers had started to use word processors and graphic representation tools, they had to get in-house calligraphers to design advertisements.
- the use of word processors and graphic representation tools started, advertisements had to be designed by in-house calligraphers.
Understand the Meaning of the Original Sentence
This sentence does not communicate complete meaning. Presence of word “before” indicates that sequencing of two events has been presented. The latter event is – managers started using word processors and graphic representation tools. The earlier event is not clearly specified. The noun – advertisements does not have any verb. This part simply indicates that advertisements were designed by in house calligraphers, but the lack of verb for the noun – advertisements – leaves the reader with only partial meaning.
Find the Errors in the Original Sentence
- Before the managers started using word processors and graphic representation tools, advertisements designed by in house calligraphers.
This sentence does not contain an independent clause. The presence of word “before” makes this a dependent clause. Also, the role of “advertisements designed…” is not clear. The way this part is positioned, it appears as though this “noun + noun modifier” modifies certain aspect of the preceding clause. But logically this modification does not make sense. Both these errors can be corrected if “designed by in…” is converted into a verb by saying “were designed”.
Review Answer choices to do POE
Choice B – Grammatically correct but incorrect. This choice adds information about who got calligraphers to design ads. The original sentence only indicates that the advertisements were designed by in-house calligraphers.
Choice C – Correct. This choice converts the modifier – advertisements designed…- in a clause. Now the sentence has an independent clause. Also, the intended meaning is preserved.
Choice D – This choice distorts the intended sequencing of actions. The later action – “started using” has now been written in past perfect tense – the tense that is used to denote earlier of two actions in the past tense. This choice also repeats the error in Choice B by adding the information about who got the in-house calligraphers to design advertisements.
Choice E – Grammatically Correct but incorrect- This choice omits information that is present in the original sentence. There is no mention of who has started using the word processors and the graphic representation tools.
Take- Aways
- Always understand the intended meaning of the original sentence.
- It is very important to note ALL the information present in the sentence.
- The correct choice should communicate ALL that information – no more and no less – in a grammatically correct manner.
Example 2 – Rise in American Exports
The rise in American exports was possible because international trade barriers were lowered and unprecedented gains in efficiency had been obtained through the use of automated robotic equipment in American manufacturing plants.
- international trade barriers were lowered and unprecedented gains in efficiency had been obtained through the use of automated robotic equipment in American manufacturing plants
- America lowered international trade barriers and the use of automated robotic equipment in American manufacturing plants resulted in unprecedented gains in efficiency
- international trade barriers were lowered and unprecedented gains in efficiency were obtained through the use of automated robotic equipment in American manufacturing plants
- international trade barriers were lowered, obtaining unprecedented gains in efficiency through the automated use of robotic equipment in manufacturing plants of America
- America lowered trade barriers internationally and the use of unprecedented automated robotic equipment in American manufacturing plants resulted in efficiency gains
Understand the Meaning of the Original Sentence
This sentence presents a cause and effect. The effect is – rise in American exports. There are two causes:
- international trade barriers were lowered
- unprecedented gains in efficiency were obtained. This was done through the use of automated robotic equipment in US plants.
- The rise in American exports was possible
- because
- international trade barriers were lowered and
- unprecedented gains in efficiency had been obtained through the use of automated robotic equipment in American manufacturing plants
Find the Errors in the Original Sentence
All SV pairs are accounted for and agree in number. This sentence has verb-tense error. Logically there is no reason to indicate one of the causes in simple past tense and the other cause in past perfect tense. There is no basis for such sequencing. Thus the verb – had been obtained – should be expressed as ‘were obtained’.
Review Answer choices to do POE
Choice B – Grammatically Correct but Incorrect Choice – By changing the causes from passive voice to active voice, this choice adds information that is not present in the original choice. It is not stated that America lowered international trade barriers. Thus, this choice is incorrect.
Choice C – Correct choice. The verb tense error has been corrected.
Choice D – This choice distorts the intended meaning. It links the two rather independent tasks in the causal relationship. Per this choice, the international trade barriers were lowered and this led to achieving gains in efficiency through the use of automatic equipment. This is neither logical nor the intended meaning.
Choice E – Grammatically Correct but Incorrect Choice – This choice repeats the error in Choice B. It further changes the intended meaning by using “unprecedented” to describe “automated robotic equipment” instead of “efficiency gains”.
- Always understand the intended meaning of the original sentence.
- It is very important to note ALL the information present in the sentence.
- The correct choice should communicate ALL that information – no more and no less – in a grammatically correct manner.
Here’s a list of the articles in the complete series:
- 5 Strategies that GMAT uses to distort meaning – Part 1 – Modifiers (Update 2018)
- GMAT and Meaning – Part 2: Strategy 2 – Use of Modifiers
- GMAT and Meaning – Part 3: Strategy 3 – Change of Conjunctions
- GMAT and Meaning – Part 4: Strategy 4 – Change of Voice
- GMAT and Meaning – Part 5 – Change/Remove Words that provide Context
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