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From 625 to 755: Sandipan’s Inspiring GMAT Focus Edition Journey

From 625 to 755: Sandipan’s Inspiring GMAT Focus Edition Journey
A 6 min read

Are you struggling to finish GMAT sections on time, grappling with complex reading passages, or hitting a plateau in your Quant score? You’re not alone. These challenges are the trifecta of GMAT preparation hurdles that many test-takers face. Meet Sandipan, a recent IIT KGP graduate who not only faced these exact issues but conquered them spectacularly, achieving a remarkable 755 on the GMAT Focus Edition. His journey from an initial 625 to a near-perfect score is a testament to strategic preparation, perseverance, and the right guidance to finally succeed in his GMAT Focus Edition Journey.

The Challenges: A Familiar Story

When Sandipan began his GMAT journey, he encountered obstacles that many test-takers face:

  1. Time Management: Struggling to complete sections within the allotted time.
  2. Reading Comprehension: His initial weakness, scoring only 5 out of 14 questions correct.
  3. Maintaining Focus: Difficulty staying engaged with challenging passages.
  4. Test Anxiety: Increasing pressure as the exam date approached.
  5. Work-Life Balance: Juggling GMAT prep with a full-time software engineering job.

Fig-1: Comparison of Sandipan’s initial scores vs. final scores across sections

Want to assess where you stand in your GMAT journey? Take e-GMAT’s free diagnostic test to identify your strengths and weaknesses.

The Journey Begins: From 625 to a Game Plan

Sandipan’s GMAT journey began with a score of 625 in March. Instead of being discouraged, he used this initial attempt as a learning opportunity. “That first test helped me identify my weak points, particularly in time management,” Sandipan reflects. After a brief break, he resumed his preparation in May with a more strategic approach.

Fig-2: Sandipan’s study hours distribution across different sections and weeks for his initial score of 625

Need a Personalized Study Plan: Read this article here.

Watch Sandipan’s full interview here:

The Power of Mentorship and Structured Preparation

A key decision in Sandipan’s journey was enrolling in the e-GMAT course and joining their Last Mile Push program. His mentor, Rida Shafeek, played a crucial role in his preparation which paved the path for his GMAT Focus Edition Journey successfully:

  1. Setting clear milestones with metrics and timelines
  2. Providing experienced insights to avoid common pitfalls
  3. Helping strategize preparation, focusing on strengthening strong areas
  4. Offering personalized advice and encouragement

“Having a mentor through e-GMAT’s Last Mile Push program was incredibly valuable,” Sandipan says. “Rida helped me strategize the right goals for each section and her mock tips and analysis were really helpful on test day!”

Fig-3: Sandipan’s progress chart showing score improvements over time with key mentorship milestones

Curious about how personalized mentoring can boost your GMAT prep? Try e-GMAT’s free trial to experience our expert guidance firsthand.

Section-by-Section Strategies

Quantitative Section: From Q84 to a Perfect Q90

Despite starting with a strong Quant foundation, Sandipan made two key changes:

  1. Tackling Quant first: He switched from doing Quant last to doing it first when he was fresh.
  2. Mindset shift: Instead of stressing about getting every question right, he focused on doing his best on each question and trusting his abilities.

These changes paid off enormously – Sandipan finished the Quant section with 20 minutes to spare, which he used for review.

Fig- 4: Sandipan’s Quant (Number Properties) practice test scores over time, showing the improvement curve

Fig- 5: Sandipan’s Quant (Word Problems) practice test scores over time, showing the improvement curve

Want to boost your Quant score? Access e-GMAT’s free Quant concept videos to strengthen your foundation.

Verbal Section: Significant Improvement, Especially in RC

Initially, Verbal was Sandipan’s weakest area, especially Reading Comprehension. His strategies for improvement included:

  1. Utilizing the Master Comprehension course to improve understanding across all question types
  2. Better time management between Critical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension
  3. Spending extra time on the first RC question to tackle subsequent questions faster
  4. Practicing strategies to stay engaged with difficult passages

Fig-6: Breakdown of Sandipan’s Verbal performance in CR- Hard questions over time (last 20 questions)

Fig-7: Breakdown of Sandipan’s Verbal performance in CR- Hard questions over time (Overall)

Fig-8: Breakdown of Sandipan’s Verbal performance in RC- Hard questions over time (last 20 questions)

Fig-9: Breakdown of Sandipan’s Verbal performance in RC- Hard questions over time (Overall)

Struggling with Reading Comprehension? Try e-GMAT’s free RC workshop to learn advanced strategies.

Data Insights: From D79 to D89 (100th percentile)

Sandipan’s improvement in Data Insights was remarkable. He credits the Master Comprehension course as a game-changer, not just for Verbal but across all sections that eventually helped him to diligently complete his GMAT Focus Edition Journey. Key skills he developed:

  1. Strategic pausing: Learning where to pause while reading saved crucial seconds on each question
  2. Understanding context: Subconsciously analyzing the function of each sentence improved comprehension
  3. Owning the data set: This skill was crucial for DI, helping interpret data efficiently and move through questions confidently

Fig-10: Sandipan’s DI accuracy and timing improvements over his preparation period

For those looking to improve their Data Insights skills, Sandipan recommends these free resources:

Want more Data Insights practice? Check out e-GMAT’s free DI question bank to hone your skills.

Overall Planning and Execution

Sandipan’s approach to GMAT preparation was methodical and well-planned:

  1. Identifying weaknesses: He used his initial 625 score to pinpoint areas needing improvement
  2. Structured study plan: Creating a strict schedule that balanced GMAT prep with his full-time job
  3. Quality over quantity: Prioritizing effective study techniques over long hours
  4. Simulating test conditions: Practicing under timed conditions to build mental stamina
  5. Continuous analysis: Thoroughly analyzing mock tests to track progress and adjust strategies

Need help creating a study plan? Use e-GMAT’s free study planner tool to optimize your preparation.

Study Tools and Resources

Sandipan found Scholaranium, e-GMAT’s question bank, particularly useful for several reasons:

  1. Extensive customization allowed creation of quizzes mimicking the real test environment
  2. Realistic question distribution closely matched the actual test format
  3. Performance tracking helped identify areas for improvement

He also purchased the OG question bank for Data Insights, which he found valuable for practice.

Fig-11: Sandipan’s DI Scholaranium usage stats, that shows question attempts, accuracy, and time spent

Fig-12: Sandipan’s Verbal Scholaranium usage stats, that shows question attempts, accuracy, and time spent

Experience Scholaranium for yourself with e-GMAT’s free trial – access hundreds of practice questions and personalized analytics.

Test Day Experience and Key Takeaways

On test day, Sandipan followed these key strategies:

  1. Chose a well-reviewed test center to ensure a good environment
  2. Maintained a calm mindset, reminding himself of his thorough preparation
  3. Tackled sections in the order that worked best for him (Quant, Verbal, DI)

Fig-12: Sandipan’s final GMAT Focus score report with section-wise breakdown

Sandipan’s advice for other GMAT aspirants:

  1. Don’t rush into preparation headfirst. Take time to develop a strategy that works for you
  2. Focus on understanding your approach and tackling shortcomings gradually
  3. Utilize tools like Scholaranium to create a realistic test environment during practice
  4. Analyze your mocks thoroughly. Don’t rush through them without proper analysis
  5. Don’t underestimate the value of a good mentor and structured program
  6. On test day, stay calm and trust in your preparation

Ready to start your GMAT journey? Begin with e-GMAT’s free GMAT Kickstarter course to lay a strong foundation.


Sandipan’s journey from 625 to 755 is a testament to the power of strategic preparation, perseverance, and the right guidance. His story demonstrates that with the right approach, significant score improvements are possible.

As Sandipan moves forward to the next chapter of his life, he carries with him not just an impressive GMAT score, but valuable skills in strategic thinking, time management, and performing under pressure. His journey serves as an inspiration and a roadmap for GMAT aspirants worldwide.

Remember, every GMAT Focus Edition journey is unique, but the principles of dedicated preparation, strategic planning, and continuous improvement remain universal. May Sandipan’s story inspire you on your own path to GMAT success!

Ready to tackle the GMAT Exam? e-GMAT offers a Personalized Study Planner and top-notch GMAT mock exams to help you prepare effectively. As the most reviewed GMAT prep company on GMAT Club with 2700+ reviews  we’re here to support your GMAT journey. Take advantage of our free trial with the best quality content. Start your path to success today!

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