GMAT Club introduced its verified review policy in 2016, which mandated that every review be verified using a live score report link delivered through the GMAC website. This ensured that every review had a valid score and identity, making it virtually impossible to post fake reviews.
Since then e-GMAT has delivered more verified 700+ scores than any other GMAT Club’s test prep partner. In fact, our students reported most scores in three out of the five completed calendar years since then. Today, I am proud to announce that in a mere 9-month period in 2021, we have delivered more 700+ scores than any GMAT Club partner has. In doing so, we have created a new benchmark for what success should look like in 2021.

2021 Stats – Not only MOST but also MAJORITY
- Most = more than any single test prep company
- Majority = more than all test prep companies combined
One of the first questions we asked ourselves was – has everyone delivered more success? Have students gotten smarter, or has technology-enabled all test prep companies to deliver more 700+ scores. The simple answer is, “Other than e-GMAT, most test prep companies have delivered results that are similar to those they delivered in 2020“. The figure below compares major test prep companies’ 2020 vs. 2021 performance until Oct 15 in the respective years.

In fact, in 2021, e-GMAT till date (Oct 15, 2021) accounts for the majority (55% to be precise) of 700+ scores reported by GMAT Club members. Only Target Test Prep with 100 reported 700+ scores has reached triple digits.

In addition to accounting for most 700+ scores, e-GMAT has also accounted for most 730+ scores, most 100-point score improvements. In fact, such has been the impact of Quant 2.0 that our students have reported twice as many Q49+ scores as have students from Target Test Prep.
130-Point Score Improvement Guarantee
One of the driving factors of this success has been this notion of Proven Predictability. In 2021, using AI and analytics, we predict with 95% certainty whether you are likely to hit your target GMAT score. Hence, we now offer the industry-leading up to 130-point Score Improvement Guarantee. This guarantee is unique because:
- This is a money-back guarantee, which means that you get your money back if you hit our internal metrics and don’t achieve the minimum promised score improvement.
- This guarantee even applies to high scorers. You can have a starting score of 700 and still opt-in for the guarantee.
Details of the same will be shared in the next seven days.
Manage your focus and Energy
Approx. one in three students who score a 640 end up scoring a 700 or higher. At e-GMAT, we maximize your likelihood of scoring 700+ by ensuring two things:
- We ensure that you spend time on the most valuable sub-sections. These are sub-sections that will deliver the most score improvement for your time investment.
- Once we have identified these subsections, we ensure that you start at the right stage of learning and track your improvement from that point onward.
These optimizations ensured that Rafaella (GMAT 730, HBS student) could improve from 600 to 730 in just two months. Watch the video below to learn how first we channelized her energy into the right subsections and then ensured that she started at the right stage of learning in each subsection. As you watch this video, you will also notice how Rafaella’s journey was very different from Aayush’s (GMAT 750, Columbia admit).
Why is this important?
Because your likelihood of achieving your goal multiplies if you can see the battlefield clearly and approach each challenge (i.e., subsection) with a clear and proven strategy.
Analytics that help push your score from 680 to 750+
What stops you from improving from 700 to 760 or from 680 to 740? It is your inability to identify your weaknesses and then track your corresponding improvement. Scholaranium 2.0 helps identify these chinks in your armor, enabling you to create hyper-personalized improvement plans and empowering you to achieve your target GMAT score.
Similarly, Jim improved from 700 to 770 – a feat only one in 10 students achieve – in mere 20 days. Watch this video to learn how Scholaranium’s analytics helped uncover flaws in Jim’s Critical Reasoning approach and then helped him improve his CR ability from 35th percentile to 97th Percentile.
We are not done helping you improve. We continue to invest upwards of 2000 hours in R&D every month and continue to work towards our vision of becoming better than a private tutor for a diligent student. Write to me at if you are a diligent student and need help acing the GMAT.