Payal Tandon
Co-founder, e-GMAT
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Author: Shraddha

OGVR ā€™16#08

A 3 min read It stood twelve feet tall, weighed nine thousand pounds, and wielded seven-inch claws, and Megatherium americanum, a giant ground sloth, may have been the largest hunting mammal ever to walk the Earth.  ...

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OGVR ā€™16#03

A 3 min read Global warming is said to be responsible for extreme weather changes, which, like the heavy rains that caused more than $ 2 billion in damages and led to flooding throughout the state of California, and the heat...

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OGVR ā€™16#02

A 4 min read Some 200 world-famous physicists recently attended a conference whose purpose not only was to consider the prospects for the next 50 years of research in physics but also assessing the accuracy of the predictions...

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