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What was the population of City X in 2002? – OGQR 2020 Question #209 with Solution

A < 1 min read

OGQR 2020: Question No. 209

What was the population of City X in 2002?

  1. X’s population in 2002 increased by 2 percent, or 20,000 people, over 2001.
  2. In 2001, X’s population was 1,000,000.
Source OGQR 2020
Type Data Sufficiency
Topic Word Problems
Sub-Topic Percentages
Difficulty Medium


Steps 1 & 2: Understand Question and Draw Inferences

In this question, we are asked to find the population of city X in 2002.

We do not have much information to infer from, let us move to analyse the statements.


Step 3: Analyse Statement 1

“X’s population in 2002 increased by 2 percent, or 20,000 people, over 2001.”

  • Percentage increase in population of city X in 2002 over 2001 = 2%
  • Increase in population of city X in 2002 over 2001 = 20,000
    • Hence, 2% of population of city X in 2001 = 20,000
      • Therefore, we can find the population of city X in 2001 and then 2% increase or 20,000 increase will give the population of city X in 2002.

Thus, statement 1 is sufficient to answer the question.


Step 4: Analyse Statement 2

“In 2001, X’s population was 1,000,000.”

From this statement, we cannot find the population of city X in 2002.

Thus, statement 2 is not sufficient to answer the question.


Step 5: Combine Both Statements Together (If Needed)

Since we could determine the answer from statement 1 individually, this step is not required.

Hence, the correct answer is option A.

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