To score 740, you need to score 90th percentile or above in most sub-sections (SC, CR, Number Properties, Algebra, Geometry, etc.). Typically, just a fraction of the students who put in a diligent effort improve to the 90th percentile. At e-GMAT, a majority of diligent students achieve the 90th percentile. The key to this phenomenal success is the excellent content created by GMAT Club’s top-rated instructors and xPERT AI that evaluates your performance on that content and gives you personalized feedback every 30 minutes of your learning.

Personalized feedback puts you on the path to success
The fundamental principle behind xPERT AI is extremely simple and elegant. Let us take the example of GMAT Sentence Correction. GMAT Sentence Correction tests your ability to identify and correct ~25 major grammatical errors across 200 different types of sentence structures. We teach these sentence structures and grammar concepts through 95 learning activities, where each learning activity is about 30 minutes.
GMAT Sentence Correction tests your ability to identify and correct ~25 major grammatical errors across 200 different types of sentence structures.
To ensure that you are on the path to a 90th percentile score, xPERT AI asks a very simple question – is your level of understanding of the content taught in that learning activity as good as that of a 90th percentile student? If yes, then it asks you to move on to the next activity. Otherwise, it asks you to revise the learning activity appropriately.
To ensure that you are on the path to a 90th percentile score, xPERT AI asks a very simple question – is your level of understanding of the content taught in that learning activity as good as that of a 90th percentile student?
How does xPERT do that? It compares your performance on each learning activity with that of a 90th percentile student. It does that comparison on many dimensions – your score on that activity, time spent while learning the content, how many times did you pause at key points in the activity, etc. Combining data from these dimensions for each activity gives you a score (0% to 100%) and appropriate corrective action if needed.
Majority of students who achieve 80 percent or higher in a majority of learning activities, and those who act upon the recommendations in real-time end up scoring 90th percentile in the subsection. Here are some examples:
- Mrunank (GMAT 740, Q50, V41) revised 15% of activities to achieve 120-point improvement.
- Anant (GMAT 750, V44) leveraged 250+ feedback inputs

Analytics that maximize score improvement while practicing
While solving questions, students who score 740 or higher do three things that students who fail to cross the 680-plateau don’t. First – when they get a score, they know when they can trust that score and when luck has enabled them to get that score. Second, they have a clear idea of which questions they should review – both questions that they answered correctly and incorrectly. Lastly, they successfully identify the low-hanging fruit – the questions that given their ability, they should have answered correctly.
740+ Scorers
- I know when I can trust my score and when luck has played a part.
- I know which questions I should review and why.
- I know, given my ability, which questions should I have gotten right.
xPERT AI helps you extract more score improvement out of every question you solve by extracting the luck factor in every quiz and curating a review list and guiding you as to how to review each question. We call this the strategic review process.
Watch the video below to know more.
“DJ’s (e-GMAT Strategy Expert) eye for detail and the xPERT AI system of eGMAT helped me examine my weaknesses.”
– Manna Gupta (GMAT 700)
“The course structure has been further aided by the use of analytics such as xPERT to give you targeted inputs to improve upon. Such targeted feedback has been extremely beneficial towards the end of my preparation to fill the gap between my score and the target score.”
– A GMAT 740 scorer
“I had decided that errors logs were time-consuming, and it wouldn’t work for someone like me. I finally gave in and started my error log – within 2 days, my accuracy shot up from 60% to +80%.”
– Pooja (GMAT 750)