Payal Tandon
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How can you use Ability Information from SIGma-X mocks to create your personalized GMAT study plan

How can you use Ability Information from SIGma-X mocks to create your personalized GMAT study plan
A 7 min read

In the last article, we learned what kind of information SIGma-X mocks provide about ability.  Now we will learn how we can utilize this information to create a personalized study plan towards our target score.

how to create a GMAT study plan

Process of creating a GMAT study plan

Creating a personalized GMAT study plan per ability – an endeavor that may appear to be so complicated is as such as straightforward as below.

  • Step 1 – Note your sub-sectional abilities – e.g. ability in SC or Arithmetic.
  • Step 2 – If your sub-sectional ability is less than your target sub-sectional ability, then refer to the appropriate section below (based on your ability) to identify the study plan for that sub-section.
  • Step 3 – Start following the plan.

It’s that simple that it has only two steps!  Step 3 is simply saying “Follow the plan”.

Verbal Sub-sections – SC, CR, RC

If your ability is <32

If your ability is less than 32, then this means that you have major gaps in both concepts and application of concepts.  Thus, you need to go through the entire course in the e-GMAT platform.  You should review “Your GMAT Roadmap course” to learn how to best utilize the course.

If your Ability is between 32 and 35 (both inclusive)

Since you have scored above 32, it means that you have a baseline understanding of concepts and you do know how to apply the process to a certain extent.  Thus, for you, it does not make sense to go through the entire course.  Instead, you should identify all the areas of weakness and strengths so that you can focus on overcoming those weak areas.  Thus, for you here is the personalized study plan for this sub-section:

  • Step 1 – Take a ‘Custom Quiz type 1’ to identify your weak areas.
  • Step 2 – Review ‘Skill Data’ to identify weak areas.
  • Step 3 – Revise the appropriate application and practice files and concept files as needed.
  • Step 4 – Take another ‘Customer Quiz type 1’ to track your improvement. Continue steps 2 – 4.

As can be seen here, since you know what your starting ability is, you can be so much smarter about your preparation.  You can spend your precious time – the most precious commodity – in the best possible way.

If you are planning to take the GMAT, we can help you with a personalized study plan and give you access to quality online content to prepare. Write to us at We are the most reviewed GMAT prep company on gmatclub with more than 1825 reviews (as on May 23, 2019). Why don’t you take a free trial and judge it for yourself?

Specification of Custom Quiz Type 1

Scholaranium provides you the flexibility of creating custom quizzes based on difficulty levels, concept tags of questions, number of questions, types of questions, duration of the quiz.  For the purpose of diagnosing your weak areas, use the following specification to create the custom quiz.

  • Number of questions
    • SC & CR – 20
    • RC – 5 passages
      • Rationale – Sufficient number of questions to do skill assessment.
    • Question types – All
      • Rationale – All question types should be included to do skill assessment.
    • Difficulty Levels – Medium and Hard
      • Rationale – Since the ability is above 32, it is clear that the student should be able to solve easy questions, so the student does not need to test his/her skills on easy questions.
    • Time
      • SC – 40 minutes
      • CR – 50 minutes
      • RC – 50 minutes
        • Rationale – In this quiz, we do not want you to be stressed about the time.

If your Ability is between 36 and 39 (both inclusive)

Since you have scored above 35, it means that you have a strong understanding of concepts and you do well enough how to apply the process to solve questions.  Thus, for you, it makes sense to take an Ability Quiz and do skill assessment appropriately and then take corrective actions as needed.  Thus, for you here is the personalized study plan for this sub-section:

  • Step 1 – Take an ‘Ability Quiz’ to identify your weak areas.
  • Step 2 – Review ‘Skill Data’ to identify weak areas.
  • Step 3 – Revise the appropriate application and practice files and concept files as needed.
  • Step 4 – Take another ‘Ability Quiz’ to track your improvement. Continue steps 2 – 4.

As can be seen here, since you know what your starting ability is, you can be so much smarter about your preparation.  You can spend your precious time – the most precious commodity – in the best possible way.

If your Ability is above 39

If your ability is above 39, then you should practice only hard questions in the scholaranium platform.  You do not need to revise anything in the course.  All you need is hone your skills in solving hard questions.

Quant Sub-sections – Arithmetic & Algebra/geometry

< 40 Complete course
40 – 45
  • Take custom quiz 1
  • Identify weak areas per skill data
  • Revise appropriate application and practice files (concept files as needed)
  • Take custom quiz type 1 to track your improvement
45 – 48 ·       Take ability quiz

·       Identify weak areas per skill data

·       Create a custom quiz in areas of weakness.  Revise your mistakes.

·       Take ability quiz to track your improvement

49 + ·       Practice hard questions

If your ability is <40

If your ability is less than 40, then this means that you have major gaps in both concepts and application of concepts.  Thus, you need to go through the entire course in e-GMAT platform.  You should review “Your GMAT Roadmap course” to learn how to best utilize the course.

If your Ability is between 40 and 45 (both inclusive)

Since you have scored above 39, it means that you have a baseline understanding of concepts and you do know how to apply the process to a certain extent.  Thus, for you, it does not make sense to go through the entire course.  Instead, you should identify all the areas of weakness and strengths so that you can focus on overcoming those weak areas.  Thus, for you here is the personalized study plan for this sub-section:

  • Step 1 – Take a ‘Custom Quiz type 1’ to identify your weak areas.
  • Step 2 – Review ‘Skill Data’ to identify weak areas.
  • Step 3 – Revise appropriate application and practice files and concept files as needed.
  • Step 4 – Take another ‘Customer Quiz type 1’ to track your improvement. Continue steps 2 – 4.

As can be seen here, since you know what your starting ability is, you can be so much smarter about your preparation.  You can spend your precious time – the most precious commodity – in the best possible way.

Specification of Custom Quiz Type 1

Scholaranium provides you the flexibility of creating custom quizzes based on difficulty levels, concept tags of questions, number of questions, types of questions, duration of quiz.  For the purpose of diagnosing your weak areas, use the following specification to create the custom quiz.

  • Number of questions – 20
    • Rationale – Sufficient number of questions to do skill assessment.
  • Question types – All
    • Rationale – All question types should be included to do skill assessment.
  • Difficulty Levels – Medium and Hard
    • Rationale – Since the ability is above 39, it is clear that the student should be able to solve easy questions, so the student does not need to test his/her skills on easy questions. Also, student should not waste time on very hard questions.
  • Time – 50 minutes
    • Rationale – In this quiz, we do not want you to be stressed about the time.

If your Ability is between 46 and 48 (both inclusive)

Since you have scored above 46, it means that you have a strong understanding of concepts and you do well enough how to apply the process to solve questions.  Thus, for you it makes sense to take an Ability Quiz and do skill assessment appropriately and then take corrective actions as needed.  Thus, for you here is the personalized study plan for this sub-section:

  1. Step 1 – Take an ‘Ability Quiz’ to identify your weak areas.
  2. Step 2 – Review ‘Skill Data’ to identify weak areas.
  3. Step 3 – Revise appropriate application and practice files and concept files as needed.
  4. Step 4 – Take another ‘Ability Quiz’ to track your improvement. Continue steps 2 – 4.

As can be seen here, since you know what your starting ability is, you can be so much smarter about your preparation.  You can spend your precious time – the most precious commodity – in the best possible way.

If your Ability is above 49

If your ability is above 49, you should practice only hard and very hard questions in the scholaranium platform.  You do not need to revise anything in the course.  All you need is hone your skills in solving hard and very hard questions.

Putting it all together

So, after you get a SIGma-X mock, you will know what your sub-sectional abilities are.  Simply, review tables below to identify your personalized study plan for each sub-section in which you have not as yet reached your target ability.  As you can see, you can be so much efficient in your GMAT preparation.  Just utilize the amazing insights from data and put them to work!

Personalized Study plan for Verbal Sub-sections

Sub-sectional Ability Study Plan for sub-section
< 32 Do complete course
32 – 35
  • Take Custom Quiz Type 1
  • Identify weak areas per skill data
  • Revise appropriate application and practice files (concept files as needed)
  • Take custom quiz type 1 to track your improvement
35 – 39 ·       Take ability quiz

·       Identify weak areas per skill data

·       Create a custom quiz in areas of weakness.  Revise your mistakes.

·       Take ability quiz to track your improvement

40 + ·       Practice hard questions

Personalized Study plan for Quant Sub-sections

Sub-sectional Ability Study Plan for sub-section
< 40 Complete course
40 – 45
  • Take Custom Quiz Type 1
  • Identify weak areas per skill data
  • Revise appropriate application and practice files (concept files as needed)
  • Take Custom Quiz Type 1 to track your improvement
45 – 48 ·       Take Ability Quiz

·       Identify weak areas per skill data

·       Create a custom quiz in areas of weakness.  Revise your mistakes.

·       Take Ability Quiz to track your improvement

49 + ·       Practice hard & very hard questions

Further Reading

So, if we were in an ideal world, then just the knowledge of abilities would have been sufficient to create our personalized study plans.  But the fact that is we are humans and with humans come along certain habits, certain ego issues, certain confidence issues, and certain misconceptions.  And each of these characteristics can have a substantial impact on the GMAT mock score.  Thus, we need to look out for such impact as well.

Read this article to learn what other factors can impact the mock score and thereby the abilities information that you get from the mock test.

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