Payal Tandon
Co-founder, e-GMAT
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Master Comprehension – Course Launch

A 3 min read

Meaning, Logic, and Core Skills

Meaning, Logic, Core Skills – these are the three pillars of our offering on GMAT Verbal. One common thread – comprehension – connects all of them. To help you master comprehension, we have launched a dedicated course. Without comprehending a sentence, you will not be able to distill its meaning. When this happens, you fail to connect sentences logically, and consequently, your ability to pre-think, or your knowledge of grammar rules, or your understanding of strengthening or weakening an argument GOES TO WASTE.

Master Comprehension


How to access Master Comprehension?

Join us for the launch session to learn how to access Master Comprehension.

  1. Launch Session: Sunday, Jan 15

  2. Launch Time: 7:00 am Pacific

  3. Session duration: 20 minutes

Two hours can make a difference

To improve your ability to comprehend, we created “Master Comprehension”, a 2-hour course that will teach you how to read and understand long sentences. After going through this course you will:
  1. Improve your Ability because of enhanced comprehension
  2. Save Time by avoiding re-reading
  3. Be able to apply Core Skills that you will learn in the core SC, CR, RC courses.


To help you improve comprehension.. we will start with the shortest .. simplest .. most basic sentence.. a -2word sentence with just a subject and a verb..Then ..we build on it, extend it, add modifiers, clauses, phrases, prepositions … and make it a 30word sentence … the KIND OF SENTENCE you are scared of.. the kind that confuses you.. the kind that makes you read and re-read a sentence.. again and again..

How to read a 30-Word Sentence?

Our goal throughout this journey is not to teach you clauses, phrases, prepositions etc… our goal is to teach you how to read this 30word sentence so that you comprehend it in JUST ONE READ. When you do that … you SAVE -TIME.. YOU IMPROVE YOUR ABILITY…. AND YOU SCORE MORE THAN 90 PERCENTILE ON GMAT VERBAL…

Read a sentence only once!


What you will learn in this course is “Pause Points” or Strategic Pausing. Strategic Pausing refers to key junctures where you should pause while reading a long sentence …..and infer. In addition to learning where to PAUSE.. you will learn assimilation .. that is ….combining inferences to get to a larger meaning READING IN A MANNER SO AS TO AVOID RE-READING..

Once you master this skill.. the next time you see a 30word sentence.. you will also see FIVE segments that you need to read and comprehend. You will know exactly where these 5 segments are… and how to comprehend them…-

Avoid re-reading

Not Teaching a concept.. but trying to inculcate a habit

New Habits

People say.. that to score 90 percentile on GMAT Verbal you need to be a Voracious Reader.. and to be a voracious reader.. you need to read Ten Thousand Pages…  In this course, we are offering an alternative.. Strategic Pausing .. Strategic Pausing is not a concept.. it is a habit.. and Mastering a habit needs conscious effort..


Finish this course in a couple of days and put in 10 good hours mastering this habit.. and I promise you that it will help save countless hours of prep time.. and will help you excel on GMAT Verbal…

With that, let’s take the next step and learn…. How to Master Comprehension…..

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