Payal Tandon
Co-founder, e-GMAT
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Ability Quiz FAQs

A 3 min read
  1. Why do I see the message “Not enough questions available”?
    The ability quiz is designed in such a way that it gives the user the most accurate measure of his/her ability in a given subject. To achieve this, the ability quiz must contain questions from various concepts and these questions must be spread across various difficulty levels. If the user falls short of questions in either one (or more) of the concept or one (or more) of the difficulty levels, then the system will not be able to predict the user’s ability accurately. Hence, the system does not allow you to take an ability quiz. For instance, in a CR ability quiz, the user must be served 2 inference questions. If 2 inference questions are not available, then the system will not allow the user to take a CR ability quiz.
  2. If I have exhausted all my ability quizzes, how do I myself gauge my ability?
    To get an approximate estimate of your ability, we recommend creating custom quizzes comprising hard and medium questions. Please choose all the concepts of the subject of which you want to gauge your ability. Note that this will not be reflected on your dashboard and skill data screens.
  3. Will an ability quiz contain questions that have already been answered by the user?
    All the questions served to the user will be from the user’s unanswered question pool.
  4. Can you explain the ability scores shown on the dashboard?
    The ability shown on the dashboard is calculated from the latest ability quiz taken by user. The SC ability quiz calculates the user’s SC ability. The CR ability quiz calculates the user’s CR ability. The RC ability quiz calculates the user’s RC ability. When the user takes a verbal ability quiz, the user’s SC, CR, RC and Verbal ability are calculated and displayed on the dashboard.
    Therefore, for example, if the user takes an SC ability quiz first and then a verbal ability quiz, the ability shown on the dashboard for SC will be calculated from the question attempts in the user’s verbal ability quiz.
  5. Are custom quizzes used in calculating the user’s ability?
    Custom quizzes are not used in calculating user’s ability.
  6. What happens when the user ends the quiz midway, such as by closing the browser?
    If the user quits an ability quiz midway (such as by closing the browser), it will not be treated as an Ability Quiz but will be treated as a custom quiz.
  7. Is ability quiz used to calculate the user’s accuracy? How is the accuracy calculated?
    Accuracy is calculated on a question level basis, and does not depend on the type of quiz the user takes. Also, accuracy will calculated on the first attempt of each questions. The subsequent attempts to those questions are not considered while evaluating accuracy. An important point to note is, for calculations, accuracy score considers both custom quizzes and ability quizzes while ability score considers only the latest ability quiz.
  8. Is the ability percentage an indicative of my verbal percentile in the GMAT?
    The ability quizzes are designed to provide the user with the best estimate of his/her ability. However, the actual performance in the GMAT depends on a lot of factors, such as mental fatigue and concentration levels of the student, given that the GMAT is 4 hour exam. Hence, the ability numbers that you obtain in ability quizzes may differ from the actual percentile on the GMAT. Having said that, each of the ability percentages are a precise measurement of the user’s ability, and they reflect your percentile in the GMAT with a 15% margin of error.
  9. My old ability score suddenly disappeared from my dashboard and skill data. Why is this? (Only for customers before April 24, the launch date of ability quiz).
    The old ability score will not be displayed. The user has to take the new ability quiz to measure his/ her ability.
  10. Is the ability shown in the skill data screen same as the ability shown in the dashboard screen?
  11. How do I distinguish between a custom quiz and an ability quiz in my Attempts Dashboard?
    All ability quiz names are prefixed with an asterisk (*). An asterisk indicates an ability quiz. This is show as a message in the screen as well. On hovering over the asterisk, the user will see a tooltip indicating that it is an ability quiz.
    For any other queries related to ability quizzes, please visit the following link:

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