Scoring 700+ often requires that we score in the high 80th percentiles (and often well into the 90th percentiles) at a sub-sectional level. But how does one get so good at a topic that you are regarded amongst the top 15 percentile of students worldwide? More importantly, how do you ensure that you are in the top 15 percentile of students?

For most people, this 
journey to excellence is a 3-step journey

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Scoring 700+ often requires that we score in the high 80th percentiles (and often well into the 90th percentiles) at a sub-sectional level. But how does one get so good at a topic that you are regarded amongst the top 15 percentile of students worldwide? More importantly, how do you ensure that you are in the top 15 percentile of students?

For most people, this 
journey to excellence is a 3-step journey

GMAT Strategy Guidance

The 3 stages of learning

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Learn methods

The Stage 1 is to learn the concepts as well as the methods to apply those concepts.


Cement methods

Stage 2 involves cementing those methods by proving that you can utilize them to solve "medium" and "hard" Qs.

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Get test ready

Stage 3 is showing that you can continue to apply the methods in a "noisy environment," i.e., an exam which you get different kinds of questions.

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Stage 1:

Learn concepts and methods

The first step is to learn the concepts as well as the methods to apply those concepts.

What are the 3 stages of learning and how to excel them

What happens when you do not do stage 1 properly

Stage 2: Cementing

The second step involves cementing those methods by proving that you can utilize them to solve "medium" and "hard" questions.

How to cement methods

How to do Strategic Review of the quizzes 

Revision Videos 

How to do revision A 

How to do revision B 

Section Specific Videos (12) 

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Section Specific Videos (10) 

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GMAT SC Review:

How to make notes?

SC - Example 2:

How to log in errors?

SC - How to log in errors

SC Strategic Review

SC Example 1 

SC Example 2 

Sentence correction 

Download CR Error Log:  Click Here

CR - Example 2

CR Strategic Review Part 1

CR Strategic Review Part 2

CR Example 1

Critical Reasoning

Download NP & ALG Error Log:  Click Here

How do you build an error log for GMAT Number Properties?

How to make effective error log for GMAT Algebra questions?

Number Properties


Stage 3: 

Test Readiness

The last step is showing that you can continue to apply the methods in a "noisy environment," i.e., an exam which you get different kinds of questions.

What is test readiness and why is it needed? 

What is the strategy behind test readiness? 

How should you design quizzes to do test readiness? 


What can you do to ensure maximum performance from your mock test? 


How should you do strategic review of quizzes? 


How should you evaluate your progress as you take mixed quizzes? 


GMAT Strategy Guidance